Commissioned by NMC Recordings

  • soprano, piano
  • 3 min

Programme Note

There was a man of double deed
Sowed his garden full of seed.
When the seed began to grow,
'Twas like a garden full of snow;
When the snow began to melt,
'Twas like a ship without a belt;
When the ship began to sail,
'Twas like a bird without a tail.
When the bird began to fly
'Twas like an eagle in the sky;
And when the sky began to roar,
'Twas like a lion at the door;
When the door began to crack,
'Twas like a stick upon my back;
When my back began to smart,
'Twas like a pen-knife in my heart;
When my heart began to bleed,
'Twas death, and death, and death indeed.


Labyrinth to Light


Sample Pages
