• Leonardo Balada
  • Hangman, Hangman! (¡Verdugo, Verdugo!) (1982)

  • G Schirmer Inc (World)
  • cl(bcl), bn, tpt, btbn, perc, pf, vn, db
  • Narr, T, A, B, S, Bar, B; 2 actors
  • Narrator, Tenor, Alto, 2 Basses, Soprano, Baritone, 2 actors
  • 45 min
  • Libretto by the composer after a traditional cowboy song.
  • Catalan, English, Spanish

Programme Note


Hangman, Hangman! is based on an old folk ballad and set in the old West. Johnny is about to be hanged when he sees his parents and sweetheart approaching and believes they will buy his release. Unfortunately, Johnny has mistreated them for years and now they’ve come only to watch him swing from the gallows. Shortly before he is to be hanged, however, a wealthy landowner buys Johnny’s release and seeing his luck turn, the crowd, including his family, cheer him.


Hangman! Hangman!: Prologue
Hangman! Hangman!: Introduction
Hangman! Hangman!: Scene 1: The Sheriff and the Hangman enter
Hangman! Hangman!: Scene 1: "Wait! Gimme a break..."
Hangman! Hangman!: Scene 2: Sheriff and Hangman announce entrance of Johnny's Mother
Hangman! Hangman!: Scene 2: Duet - "Have you brought me silver?"
Hangman! Hangman!: Scene 2: "Let's get him..."
Hangman! Hangman!: Scene 3: "Hangman, slack your rope..."
Hangman! Hangman!: Scene 3: Sheriff, Hangman and Townspeople "Let's check that i'ts not a lie..."
Hangman! Hangman!: Scene 3: "Sorry sonny Johnny..."
Hangman! Hangman!: Scene 4: Instrumental section
Hangman! Hangman!: Scene 4: "Hangman, slack your rope..."
Hangman! Hangman!: Scene 4: "Wait! I'm his sweetheart..."
Hangman! Hangman!: Scene 4: "No waiting..."
Hangman! Hangman!: Scene 4: "I don't ask your forgiveness..."
Hangman! Hangman!: Finale: "Nonsense..."
Hangman! Hangman!: Finale: "Viva Johnny!!"
Hangman! Hangman!: Finale: "What the heck!..."



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