Peter Jones

  • Alto, 2 Basses, 2 Mezzo Sopranos, 2 Sopranos
  • 3 hr

Programme Note

"The Political Enmity of the Athenians against Minos, King of Crete, was the Cause of their having Androgeos, his Son, kill'd on their Land, after that Archeus, Prince of Thebes, (and Confederate with them), had stole his Daughter, but just born, and who, notwithstanding, was carefully preserv'd and brought up as his own, under the Name of Ariadne. This irritated Minos to wage a bloody War against them, in the Course of which (the Gods uniting their Wrath with the Cretan Arms) they were reduc'd to the last Extremity. They then consulted the Oracle, which gave for Answer, That to put an End to the Miseries of Athens, they must by all Means appease Minos. Peace was obtain'd of the offended King, but with an Agreement; that then, and every seven Years, they should send to Crete a direful Tribute of seven young men, who were appointed to serve in the Plays instituted to the Honour of Androgeos, where all died; and as many Damsels to give to the Minotaur, to be devour'd; drawing at their Arrival which of the Unhappy should first be made the miserable Victim. The fatal Law farther bore, that should continue for ever, unless there came some Champion, who, to save the Victims, should offer himself to overthrow the Monster, to come out of the intricate Ways of the Labyrinth, and fight Tauris, Son of Vulcan, a Man of a most fierce Nature, and provided he overcame him, be should for ever free the City of Athens from so grievous a Tribute. The Time of the third Homage being come, Theseus, Son of Ægeus, went to offer himself, stimulated as well by a generous Virtue of relieving his oppressed Country, as by an impatient Desire to see Ariadne, who, thought the Daughter of Archeus, was kept Hostage with Minos. He undertook the two Combats, and by the favourable Assistance of Ariadne, sav'd Carilda, beloved by his Friend Alcestes, and gain’d at last his dear Ariadne, putting a glorious End to the Calamities of his country.” (Wordbook 1733)