• tape
  • 8 min

Programme Note

I was born a few months before the premiere of Terry Riley’s seminal work, In C, at the San Francisco Tape Music Center in 1964. I like to imagine that whilst I was blissfully sleeping as a six-month-old baby, shrouded in layers of cotton and luxuriating in this primal state, audiences were contentedly sharing a similar dreamlike state at hearing this performance.

Much of my work explores memory, stories, the human voice and how we remember and reinterpret our past. For Unsleeping I have composed a new work that takes the pulse and energy of the original work but treats it as if broadcast from a dense faded place in your consciousness, where the structure and harmonic shifts flow just beneath the surface. I hope that it captures some of the sense of wonder that I felt when I first experienced In C as a teenager.
