For Fenella Humphreys.

  • pf/vn
  • 3 min

Programme Note

Mazurka was commissioned by Fenella Humphreys and premiered by Fenella and Nicki Eimer at the Purcell Room on the 4th February 2015.

This Mazurka is loosely inspired by Sibelius's miniature, and by a day of listening to all Mazurkas I could find (I had no idea that Chopin had written quite so many!). Some styles emphasised the third beat, others the second, so in an attempt to confuse any potential dancers, the accented beats in this piece vary every bar. I wanted to write a rousing piece to start this new set (of five newly commissioned pieces each by a different composer), whilst also allowing myself to indulge in a healthy dollop of schmaltz, which I feel is always needed at the start of a cold and dull year.

© Cheryl Frances-Hoad, 2015

