• 2+pic.2+ca.2+bcl.2/4.2.2+btbn.1/3perc/hp.pf/str
  • 26 min
    • 31st July 2024, Landestheater, Linz, Austria
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Programme Note

The series of 19 symphonies that I started writing in December 2012 as a 70th birthday present for myself in March 2014 is more or less half completed and might deserve as many words of explanation as there are notes. Suffice it to say that the symphonies are conceived in the form of an extended network that 'archives' and represents and re-presents new material, old material of mine and of other composers (such as Brahms' Symphony No. 1), ideas of mine that have already been presented in orchestral form, or by the Michael Nyman Band in proto-orchestral and even, as the opening movement of Symphony No. 5 the 6th movement of my String Quartet No. 2.
Symphony No. 2 began its life as Pozcatek, a 'Michael Nyman Band' 'soundtrack' that I wrote for the Michael Nyman Band to accompany a selection of sequences from post-war Polish films that i selected and edited in 2009. That work has already been networked a Pozcatek for piano trio (recorded by the Fidelio Trio for MN Records) and a song cycle 'Ex Votos Songs' with texts transcribed from Mexican Ex Votos, hence the possibly subtitle for this symphony: Ex Photos. The symphony consists of four interconnected movements.


Symphony No. 2: Movement 1
Symphony No. 2: Movement 2
Symphony No. 2: Movement 3
Symphony No. 2: Movement 4



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