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  • 2.2.2+bcl.1+cbn/4231/timp.2perc/hp.cel/str
  • 2vc
  • 22 min

Programme Note

In the House of Mirrors you never really know if you are lost or if the exit is just around the corner. You're never really sure if it is all just play or if you are seriously off track. This House of Mirrors may just be a fun labyrinth. But it may also be that place in your mind where you lose the sense of what is real and what is not.
How far is the duality of reflection vs. original from the duplicity of a distorting mirror luring us into its twisted reality?

And on a different level: What, in fact IS a reflection? Is it merely a copy of myself, or is it on the contrary my exact opposite that I am facing right here? And if it is a reflection I am looking at now, a reflection of how many reflections is it?
So am I in a Fun House or is my mind losing its grip?
