• org
  • 7 min

Programme Note

Der er så favrt i Jelling at hvile (Fair it is to rest in Jelling) was written for the transfer of the bones of King Gorm the Old to Jelling Church. The music is based on old familiar Danish material.

My idea was to combine rest and movement. Rest can be felt in the introductory, very quiet, diatonic “tonal cloud” that becomes a recurrent layer throughout the piece – a kind of timbral passacaglia. Above this “cloud” sound the various fragments from our national melodic heritage, sewn together or interwoven in a surprising way – no melody occurs in its entirety.

Movement arises along the way and at some moments has a grotesque, pseudo-jazzy character – Gorm the Old was after all moved in the present day – but in the end calm descends again. Both bones and heart find rest.

Pelle Gudmundsen-Holmgreen


Det er sa favrt i Jelling at hvile: Der er sa favrt i Jelling at hvile
