• Poul Ruders
  • Strygekvartet nr. 3 (1979)
    (String Quartet no. 3 "Motet")

  • Edition Wilhelm Hansen Copenhagen (World)
  • str4tet
  • 7 min

Programme Note

This short one-movement quartet is a kind of modernization of the 14th century French motets, a cadeau to this weird and fantastic music whose abstract and almost deprecatory, introvert expression appears unaccountably modern and incredibly ancient at the same time.

Motet is a sober, cool treatise on rhythm and statics, depicted in a Gothic, crypt-like atmosphere. The almost completely non-vibrato movement is suggestive of boys’ choir, monks’ processions, and the piercing sound of musical glasses.

An ancient world is reborn and becomes the world of today.

- Poul Ruders, 1979
