• vc
  • 7 min

Programme Note


Book of Songs III for solo cello was originally written in 2001 as one of several pieces for Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project's dance performance "BOOK OF SONGS" and was then for cello and electronics.

I wrote a new version of the piece for solo cello in the spring of 2004 at the request of Åge Kvalbein, where the fundamental idea in electronics was enrolled into the solo voice.

Describing the progress of the music, it would be natural to emphasize the play's central melodic idea and the simple rising lines. These rising lines create an axis or ritornelle in the piece, meaning that they come back at irregular intervals. The "heavenly stairs" twist gradually upwards like spirals. They start at the bottom but keep finding new harmonious paths to work their way upwards. The lines are interrupted, contrasts and reversed, but keeps coming back in new spirals.

The inspiration stems from the cello's enormous range of register, its tonal qualities from whispering breath to cascades of noise and its singability. These qualities have provided the basis for the playing and the tensions in this small piece.

Henrik Hellstenius



