• John Tavener
  • Preces and Responses (2013)

  • Chester Music Ltd (World)
  • 8 min

Programme Note

Preces and Responses were first performed on Sunday 18th May 2014 during the festival
new music wells 74-14, by Wells Cathedral Choir conducted by Matthew Owens.
They were commissioned by Cathedral Commissions of Wells Cathedral, through the
generous support of the following people:
Prebendary Helen Ball OBE
Mr Iain Ball
Mr and Mrs Christopher Blackford
Mr Michael Cansdale
Mr Geoffrey W.F. Clarke
Mrs Ann Cook
Dr and Mrs Paul Darragh
Mrs Barbara Dickinson
Mr Andrew Drysdale
Mrs Ann Edmonds
Mr Colin Gillespie
Mr and Mrs Michael Hartz,
for Flora Hartz, Wells Cathedral Chorister
Mrs Catherine Hay,
for Lewis, Fergus, and Joseph Hay
Dr and Mrs Nicholas Hooper
Mr and Mrs Chris Jarman
Mr and Mrs Peter Kingston,
in thanksgiving for the experience that
Tim, Nicola, Robert and Suzi enjoyed as
Choristers at Wells Cathedral
Dr and Mrs Alex Kolombos
Mrs Tessa Lindsey-Coombs,
for Freddie Lindsey-Coombs, Wells
Cathedral Chorister
Mr and Mrs Nigel C. Lloyd
Mrs Della Luetchford
Mr Iain MacLeod-Jones
Mr Cameron Marshall
Mr D. Winston McAlister
Mrs Nancy McGiveron
Mr and Mrs Stephen McNulty
Mr Bernard Mealing, to celebrate Bernard’s
time as a Chorister at Wells Cathedral
Ms Della Menday
Mr John Moxon
Mrs Mary Newman
Mr John D. Owens, in memory of
Brenda Owens (1940-2010)
Mr and Mrs David Parkes
Mrs H. Rapp
Mr and Mrs Alan Rayfield
Mrs Alison Richards
Mrs Frances Rowe
Mr J. and Dr V. Syme-Taylor,
for Imogen Syme-Taylor,
Wells Cathedral Chorister, 2013
Dr C.S. Villiers
Mr James Warner
The Revd David T.R. Wilcox
Mrs Colette Winfield