The Movement Mixtapes: Float

The Movement Mixtapes: Float
UK Masters, Glen Tetley's production of
Arne Nordheim's 'The Tempest'
© Erik Berg
Introducing "The Movement Mixtapes," a curated collection of playlists for choreographers loosely based on the Laban Effort Actions: Float, Punch, Glide, Slash, Dab, Wring, Flick, and Press.
The Float mixtape features music that conjures a sense of weightlessness or buoyancy. While all of the music feels effortless, there are several different kinds of floating explored within this playlist: from the lilting strings of Bryce Dessner's Little Blue Something to the dynamic upward sweeping orchestrations of John Corigliano's Three Hallucinations (based on the film score to "Altered States").

This mixtape also features works by Max Richter, Ludovico Einaudi, Jóhann Jóhannsson, Tarik O'Regan, Joby Talbot, Sergei Prokofiev,and Richard Reed Parry.

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